Diman Siddiq Hassan
Computer Science Department, College of Science, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq-
Corresponding author email:diman.hassan@uoz.edu.krd
Received: 12 Nov 2024 / Accepted:11 Jan., 2025/ Published:13 feb., 2025. https://doi.org/10.25271/sjuoz.2025.13.1.1429
Developing countries often face a high incidence of breast cancer, making early detection vital for effective treatment. The risk of developing breast cancer can be evaluated using machine learning methods and regular diagnostic data. In cancer datasets, there is a wealth of patient information, but not all of it is valuable for predicting cancer. This highlights the significance of feature selection methods in uncovering the relevant data. In this field, many studies have attempted to predict the different types of breast tumours, since it is important to diagnose breast cancer medication accurately. This paper aims to perform a comparison such that to show the effect of different feature selection methods on the accuracy of various existing machine learning algorithms. The study focuses on seven machine learning algorithms: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Trees (DT), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Neural Network (NN), and Random Forest (RF). The feature selection techniques examined include F-test Feature Selection, Mutual Information (MI), and Spearman Correlation Coefficient. The dataset used for the experiments is the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) dataset, which is publicly available from the UCI Repository. The findings reveal that when feature selection is implemented, the LR and NN algorithms demonstrate superior accuracy and perform exceptionally well across other metrics compared to the other models.
KEYWORDS: Breast Cancer; Machine Learning; Feature Selection; Breast Cancer Diagnostic Dataset.
Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. The latest statistics about this disease were reported in 2023 (Zhou et al., 2024), listing ten types of cancers, including breast cancer diagnosed in women. Breast cancer has been and still is the most common type of cancer that has affected a high percentage of women around the world at approximately 31%. It is considered the first type of cancer that causes deaths in women and is ranked fifth in terms of all cancer deaths around the world. It was the reason for 685,000 deaths in 2020, and that number increased to around 963,000 deaths in 2021, exceeding lung cancer with approximately 2.3 million new cases of this disease, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (Bray et al., 2024). The percentage of these cancer cases was 25%, and the death cases among women were 17% around the world (Zhou et al., 2024). The abnormal growth of the breast cell is called a tumour, which is divided into two types: malignant and benign. The former is cancerous, while the latter is non-cancerous. Despite the incomprehension of the causes of breast cancer in women, several factors and attributes were contributed as the reasons for this disease, such as family history, problems in the inside uterine environment, adolescent exposures, pregnancy problems, gene mutation, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and childbearing at advanced maternal ages, specifically in developing countries (Uddin et al., 2023).
Consequently, to reduce the rate of breast cancer cases and to prevent mortality in women, it is important to make regular visits to health professionals for screening, treatment, and accurate examination in clinical health. However, misdiagnosis may occur, which reduces the opportunity for early recovery, or it may as well be that there is a shortage in the number of health experts. Also, the medical examining of the tumour is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, implementing techniques such as Machine Learning (ML) that automatically diagnose breast cancer is crucial. There are different examples of ML classification techniques that have been used to determine whether the breast tumour is cancerous or not, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Logistic Regression (LR), among others (Lappeenranta-, 2023) (Ak, 2020).
Furthermore, many researchers have used different ML classification algorithms for the prediction of breast cancer, underlining the importance of using such techniques for predicting the disease and showing challenges in this field (Ak, 2020; Mohammed et al., 2020; Nemade et al., 2022; Abunasser et al., 2023; and Ebrahim et al., 2023). Whereas some others, namely (Chen et al., 2023) (Botlagunta et al., 2023) and (Laghmati et al., 2024) have analyzed different breast cancer datasets, such as the Wisconsin Original Breast Cancer and Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer datasets (WDBC)Click or tap here to enter text. for this purpose and have obtained significant results (Wolberg, 1995).
In this paper, the primary goal is to implement different ML techniques to classify the patients as having cancer or not using the WDBC dataset and to obtain the accuracies of the models. Then, the following goal is to explore the influence of using the F-test, Mutual Information (MI), and the Spearman correlation coefficient feature selection techniques on the accuracy of the selected ML. This can be accomplished by comparing the results of both implementations as well as comparing the results obtained from implementing the feature selection methods with each other. Seven different machine learning algorithms, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Trees (DT), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Neural Networks (NN), and Random Forest (RF) are used for this investigation. Furthermore, some other methods are used to improve the performance of the selected models. For instance, Synthetic Minority Over-sampling (SMOTE) (Chawla et al., 2002), is used to prevent the issue of imbalanced classes, using feature scaling to ensure that all features contribute equally to the models, and cross-validation to reduce overfitting and enhance model performance. The performance of the ML models is evaluated using different evaluation metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, precision, recall, ROC AUC, and Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the most relevant works to this study are included, specifically those publications that have compared different ML methods using the WDBC dataset. The methodology and the applications used in the study are presented in Section 3. Section 4 illustrates the results of this study both prior to and after the implementation of the feature selection methods. Section 5 compares the outcomes of implementing the selected feature selection methods for each of the seven models used in this study. Section 6 is the last section that includes the conclusion and future works.
Recently, with advances in medical research, different ML algorithms have been suggested to assess the classification of breast cancer data. Breast cancer is one of the common medical data that researchers have used for this purpose. These data can be obtained from breast cancer data repositories. In this section, a review of the publications related to the prediction of breast cancer, specifically the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC), is presented and surveyed, as shown in Table 1.
Ak, M. F. (2020) accomplished a comparative study to analyze the performance of different machine learning techniques, LR, KNN, SVM, and DT, using a graphical program named CITY for data visualization and samples from breast cancer patients in the WDBC dataset. The results of the study indicated that LR outperformed the other techniques, with the highest classification accuracy at 98.1%. In (Mohammed et al., 2020), the performance of three different ML algorithms, DT, NB, and Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO), was compared using two different breast cancer datasets: the Wisconsin breast cancer and the Original Wisconsin Breast Cancer datasets (WBC). The study included a number of pre-processing steps to improve the performance of the ML techniques further, such as discretization and removing records that have missing data. The results showed that the algorithm SMO outperformed the other two classifiers with an accuracy of 99.56% on the WBC dataset.
Chaurasia et al. (2020) proposed a new method called Mode to remove frequent features from the WDBC and then applied an ensemble technique with stacking classifiers to categorize records with all features in comparison to the reduced data subset and to enhance accuracy. Their results showed that their proposed method increased the breast cancer accuracy to over 90%. Moreover, Islam et al. (2020) aimed to compare five ML algorithms: SVM, KNN, RF, ANN, and LR to diagnose breast cancer using the Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset. The results of their study revealed that ANN outperformed other techniques, achieving the highest accuracy, 98.57%.
Naji et al. (2021), on the other hand, explored the ability of five ML algorithms to predict cancer in the WDBC dataset. Their results showed that the SVM technique surpassed other models by obtaining the highest accuracy, 97.2%. The authors revealed that the prediction of breast cancer using ML algorithms is possible; however, they acknowledged limitations and planned to explore larger datasets for improved accuracy and ethical implications.
Furthermore, Ara et al. (2021) explored ML algorithms for categorizing breast tumours as cancer or not using the WDBC Dataset. Training and testing techniques were used in the study, and the number of features was reduced, keeping only the highly correlated features to the target to improve the model’s performance. Among the ML techniques used, the researchers concluded that RF and SVM models outperformed the other models by obtaining an accuracy of 96.5%.
Sakib et al. (2022), used two types of prediction techniques to predict and diagnose breast cancer in the WDBC: ML and Deep Learning (DL). They used different evaluation metrics to assess the performance of the models used for classification. The metrics used were accuracy, recall, specificity, precision, false-negative rate (FNR), false-positive rate (FPR), F1-score, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). The results showed that the performance of the RF classifier was the highest based on the accuracy obtained, 96.66%. Chen et al. (2023), studied machine learning algorithms — XGBoost, random forest, logistic regression, and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) — for breast cancer classification, emphasizing recall for early detection. Using a dataset named WDBC from the UCI repository, they applied Z-score standardization and Pearson correlation for feature selection and addressed data imbalance through hierarchical sampling. Evaluating model performance with 80:20 and 70:30 splits, the XGBoost model outperformed others at 80:20, achieving a recall of 100%, precision of 96.0%, accuracy of 97.4%, and F1-score of 98.0%. The study noted performance variability across splits and the limitations of a universal machine learning approach in diagnostics.
The literature uses various methods and preprocessing procedures to compare and obtain the best performance of the models used. Their results are satisfactory in terms of accuracy and other metrics obtained. However, in this study, several different experimental settings are implemented to compare various machine learning algorithms and assess the impact of feature selection methods on model performance, making the findings of this study different from existing ones.
Table 1: A Survey of the Related Research Used in This Study
Reference/ Authors |
ML Algorithms |
Feature Selection Methods |
Dataset |
Methodology Used |
Results |
(Ak, 2020) |
LR, KNN, SVM, and DT |
Features selected by creating 3 datasets 1: data with all the features 2: with highly correlated features 3: with low correlated features |
A comparative analysis and new data visualization technique (CITY) |
Accuracy: 98.1% for LR for dataset1 97.4 for the dataset2 and 95.6% for the dataset 3 |
(Mohammed et al., 2020) |
DT, NB, and SMO |
None |
WBC and original breast cancer dataset |
A comparison, discretization, and removing records with missing data |
Accuracy: 99.56% for SMO using WBC dataset |
(Chaurasia et al., 2020) |
ensemble technique: AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting Classifier, RF, Extra Tree (ET) Bagging and Extra Gradient Boost (XGB). stacking classifiers LR, DT, SVC, KNN, RF and NB |
Statistical method of feature selection ‘Mode’ to reduce the dataset to have 12 features only out of 32 features |
proposed method named Mode to reduce the dataset features |
Accuracy over 90% |
(Islam et al., 2020) |
SVM, KNN, RF, ANN and LR |
None |
A comparison study |
Accuracy: 98.57%. for ANN, precision of 97.82% and F1 score of 98.90% |
(Naji et al., 2021) |
SVM, RF, LR, DT and KNN |
Feature extraction method with no details |
A comparison study |
Accuracy: 97.2% for SVM |
(Ara et al., 2021) |
SVM, LR KNN, DT, NB and RF |
All the dataset features used |
A comparison study and the correlation between different features of the dataset has been analyzed for feature selection |
Accuracy: 96.5% for RF and SVM |
(Sakib et al., 2022) |
SVM, DT, LR, RF, KNN, and a DL for classification using cross-validation. |
None |
A comparative study |
Accuracy: 96.66% for RF |
(Chen et al., 2023) |
XGBoost, RF, LR, and KNN |
Z-score for standardization and Pearson correlation for feature selection |
Predicting and classifying along with data preprocessing and feature selection |
Accuracy of 97.4%, Recall of 100%, precision of 96.0%, and F1-score of 98.0%. |
In this section, the dataset used for conducting the experiments is explained. Then, each of the ML techniques used in this study is presented, followed by the section presenting the feature selection methods used. All of these techniques are presented to show the most effective combinations of them for predicting breast cancer and to evaluate the performance obtained using such combinations. The evaluation is accomplished using the evaluation metrics to assess the effectiveness of each model to provide valuable insight into enhancing predictive capabilities for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Dataset Description
The dataset used in this study is called Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnostic (WDBC) (Wolberg, 1995). It can be accessed from UCI Machine Learning Repository. WDBC dataset consists of 569 samples designed for binary classification that is distributed between 357 benign and 212 malignant breast tumours collected from fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy images. In other words, the distribution of the dataset is 62.7% non-cancerous and 37.3% cancerous breast lesions. The dataset has 30 attributes, which represent the measurements of the shape of cell nuclei, such as radius, roughness, and smoothness. Table 2 shows the dataset’s features and their description as illustrated by (Kumar et al., 2021). This paper uses this dataset because its attributes can describe the symptoms effectively. Therefore, it is considered as a good resource for diagnosing breast cancer and examining the feature selection and model performance. However, the classes of the WDBC dataset are imbalanced; therefore, they need to be resampled. In this work, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling (SMOTE) statistical technique is used for resampling the dataset, and the results are shown in Figure 1. The figure shows the distribution of the attributes to the target before and after resampling, which is equal to 50% for each class.
Moreover, a smaller dataset is created by removing the attributes that have a weak correlation to the target to avoid noise and the models’ inaccurate prediction, resulting in each record having a patient ID, a diagnosis, and 23 real-valued attributes. To ensure that all the features of the new dataset contribute equally to the prediction of the models, the attributes are scaled using the feature scaling method ‘Standard Scaler’ to have zero mean and a standard deviation.
Table 2: Summary of Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) Dataset (Kumar et al., 2021).
Measurement range |
Attributes |
Mean |
Standard Deviation |
Maximum |
Attribute description |
Radius |
6.99–28.12 |
0.121–2.923 |
7.95–37.01 |
Calculated as the average of distances from the center to points on the perimeter |
Texture |
9.80–40.02 |
0.37–4.90 |
112.10–50.01 |
Calculated as the standard deviation of Gray-scale values. |
Perimeter |
44.02–189.09 |
0.80–22.01 |
50.48–252.03 |
The total distance between consecutive points in a contour or outline. |
Area |
144.04–2503.01 |
6.90–543.10 |
186.01–4255.00 |
Calculated Number of conductive points in an outline |
Smoothness |
0.054–0.164 |
0.003–0.035 |
0.072–1.102 |
calculated as the local variation in radius lengths |
Compactness |
0.020–0.350 |
0.002–0.138 |
0.030–1.060 |
Calculated as the ratio of perimeter squared to area minus 1 |
Concavity |
0.001–0.501 |
0.000–0.400 |
0.000–1.255 |
The severity of concave portions of the contour. |
Concave Points |
0.0001–0.202 |
0.000–0.055 |
0.000–1.296 |
Number of concave portions of the contour. |
Symmetry |
0.108–0.305 |
0.009–0.080 |
0.158–0.668 |
Fractal dimension |
0.051–0.098 |
0.001–0.031 |
0.057–0.210 |
Coastline approximation minus 1 |
Figure 1: The Distribution of the WDBC before and after Resampling across the Target Variable.
Machine Learning Algorithms
Decision Tree (DT): the DT algorithm (Mohammed et al., 2020) is a supervised ML algorithm that is mainly used for classification and regression. The input node is the main feature of this technique. Its structure consists of a root node, where it is at the top of the tree, an internal node representing the input features, and a leaf node representing the decision node or the class of the dataset located at the bottom of the DT, as shown in Figure 2. The hierarchical structure of the DT is made up of a number of nodes at different levels, and the small trees that can be extracted from the main tree are called subtrees. The larger the tree, the more difficult the classification of data accurately is due to problems such as overfitting and data splitting. These problems can be tackled by using techniques such as pruning, cross-validation, and ensemble techniques to integrate multiple trees.
Figure 2: The Structure of Decision Tree Algorithm (Mohammed et al., 2020)
Logistic Regression (LR): Logistic Regression (LR) (Ak, 2020; Dhanya R, 2019; and Hossin et al., 2023) is an ML technique used for predicting two values, 0 or 1, and classifying data derived from a linear combination of data. The parameter coefficient values can be calculated using both linear regression and logistic regression. In the case of logistic regression, gradient descent can be used for this purpose. The LR algorithm utilizes some techniques to overcome the problems of overfitting and bias, such as cross-validation and regularization. Generally, LR is a simple and strong technique in solving classification problems.
Naïve Bayes (NB): Naive Bayes (NB) is a strong supervised classification technique used for classifying large and complex data using a small size of training data (Dhanya R, 2019; Hossin et al., 2023; and Kadhim et al., 2023). It is an easy method and is based on the theorem called Bayes, which assumes conditional independence between each two features and a given class. NB calculates the probability theory in a simpler way. It can also tackle the risk of data noise and overfitting for its reliance on strong independence assumptions. The NB equation can be represented as follows:
Since the features of WDBC data are integers and follow a normal distribution, in this study Gaussian Naive Bayes type is used (Eq. 2).
Random Forest (RF): Random Forest is an ensemble learning technique that is used for classification and regression (Dhanya R, 2019; Hossin et al., 2023; and Kadhim et al., 2023). The term ‘Random Forest’ refers to the group of decision trees that are created from subsets of training data randomly instead of creating a single tree during the preprocessing step. The created group helps to tackle noises in data, which in turn reduces the effect of overfitting, improves the performance and the generalization of the models, and obtains better accuracy results. Therefore, RF is considered one of the best solutions for many ML applications.
Support Vector Machine (SVM): Support Vector Machine is a supervised ML learning method utilized for classification and regression problems (SVM) (Ak, 2020; Hossin et al., 2023). It is also known as a powerful method to detect outliers and noises in data. It works by finding an n-dimensional separation hyperplane that helps to classify data inputs into a similar and non-similar class, as shown in Figure 3. The maximum the margin in the SVM classifier between classes, the better the hyperplane to compare more than two features for classification and then produce accurate findings. Furthermore, the closer the support vectors are to the hyperplane, the more the ability of the SVM classifier to reduce overfitting, ensuring the generalization of the model to new data properly.
where is the loss function and
is the regularization.
Figure 3: The Illustration of SVM Algorithm (Ak, 2020)
K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN): K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is also a supervised learning technique used for classification and regression tasks (Ak, 2020; Hossin et al., 2023). The term ‘nearest neigbors’ means the numerical value of ‘k’, which represents the nearest data points determined in a dataset for prediction using majority voting for classification or averaging for regression. The value of the ‘k’ also determines the degree of the model performance, and its low value causes overfitting due to the noise capturing in the data, whereas the high value leads to the model generalization and produces an accurate prediction. KNN predictions are based on distance metrics such as Euclidean distance, which calculates the distance between each of the two data points in the datasets to reduce noise and the risk of overfitting. KNN is a direct and flexible method that requires accurate tuning to obtain the best model performance. Figure 4 shows an example of the KNN technique (Ak, 2020).
Figure 4: An Example of KNN Classifier (Ak, 2020).
Neural Networks (NN): Neural networks is another supervised ML technique used for classification problems (Mahesh, 2020). The simple structure of NN consists of an input layer, one hidden layer, and an output layer, as shown in Figure 5 (Yadav et al., 2022). If more than one hidden layer exists in the NN algorithm, then it will be defined as a deep learning algorithm. The NN layers are connected to each other, which consist of artificial neurons that work together to find a solution to a problem similar to that in the human brain and are used to detect patterns in data. The neuron of the NN layers works by processing and analyzing the data and then passing its output to the hidden layer, which further processes the incoming output and passes its output to the output layer. The final layer might have more than one output neuron, depending on the problem solved. A function named a loss function is used to evaluate the performance of the NN by calculating errors in the estimation process. The lower the value of the loss function, the more effective the NN prediction is. To avoid noises and overfitting in data, several techniques can be used, such as dropout, early stopping, and regularization.
Figure 5: The Structure of an Artificial Neural Network (Yadav Et Al., 2022).
Feature Selection Methods
F-test: In statistics, the F-test is a statistical feature selection technique that computes the difference amount between two or more subsets of data (Dhal et al., 2022). The F-test is known to be an effective method to deal with data with high dimensionality, such as medical datasets. Therefore, this method is useful to be used for selecting features such as tumour characteristics to determine whether the patient has cancer or not in a dataset like breast cancer. Moreover, selecting the only relevant attributes by F-test helps to reduce the classes’ overfitting and increase the models’ performance. The F-test formula is (s12/s22), where s12 is the variance of the first sample set, and s22 is the variance of the second sample set.
Mutual Information (MI): Mutual Information (MI) is another statistical feature selection method that is used to find linear and non-linear associations in sophisticated datasets such as medical datasets (Dhal et al., 2022). Therefore, it is a useful approach in many fields, such as ML for modeling and healthcare for diagnosing and treatment. In MI, one feature provides valuable information about another feature, i.e., it measures how dependent each of the two variables is, whereas zero MI means no dependency is available. More than zero means a dependency between the two attributes (Vergara et al., 2015). MI provides the most related features to the target of the dataset used which helps to increase the ML model performance. In medical datasets like breast cancer, this process is important in clarifying the relation between the dataset variables, which are mostly ambiguous.
Spearman Correlation Coefficients: In Spearman Correlation Coefficients, the robustness of two-variable correlations is specified such that it can have positive or negative and weak or strong values (Dhal et al., 2022). Statistically, it is a non-distribution rank measure, i.e., it measures the correlation between variables without considering the distribution of the data (Hauke et al., 2011). This feature makes the Spearman correlation coefficients valuable, specifically in medical datasets where the frequency of the data distribution is not considered. In other words, it can simply find the relation between the input variables and the target variable. Based on that, the Spearman correlation coefficients method is a helpful measure for researchers working in medical fields to decide treatment and diagnosis for patients.
Evaluation Metrics
Models’ performance, strengths, and weaknesses are essential to be evaluated. Hence, in this study, the selected classification models using different evaluation metrics commonly used in the literature are evaluated. The metrics used are:
· Accuracy (Patro et al., 2021) , mathematically shown as follows:
· F1 score (Lichtenwalter et al., 2010), mathematically shown as follows:
Matthew’s correlation coefficient () (Ali
et al., 2021),
· The area under the curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) is another statistic that is used to evaluate models (Shiny Irene et al., 2020). It assesses the performance of classification models using threshold values ranging from 0 to 1, signifying poor to excellent predictions.
Accuracy is the proportion of participants accurately predicted by the classification model relative to the total number of tested subjects. Precision and recall (Eqs. 6 and 7) are combined into the F1 score (Eq. 5), which is frequently used in binary classification problems. Precision is defined as the ratio of true positive forecasts to all positive predictions, whereas recall is the ratio of true positive predictions to all predictions of positive data that are actually seen. The F1 score ranges within the interval [0, 1], with a score of 1 indicating perfect precision and recall.
MCC is an important statistical measure for assessing the accuracy of binary categorization. It only gives an outstanding grade if the prediction performs well in all four elements of the confusion matrix: true positive (TP), false positive (FP), true negative (TN), and false negative (FN). As a result, it is frequently viewed as a balanced metric that may be used even when the classes are of vastly different sizes. Its value ranges from -1 to 1, with -1 indicating that all tested participants were wrongly or correctly predicted and 0 indicating that the model prediction is no better than a random guess.
In this part of the study, two different types of experiments are conducted on the created dataset from the WDBC dataset as described in section 3.1. In the first experiment, the selected ML algorithms are implemented on the dataset without the incorporation of the feature selection methods F-test, MI, and Spearman Correlation and without resampling the data. In the second experiment, the ML models are implemented using the three feature selection methods and the resampling method SOMTE. Moreover, the performance of the models is analyzed and compared in Section 5 using the feature selection methods as illustrated in Tables 7-13. Different assessment metrics are used for the models’ performance evaluation: accuracy, F1 score, precision, recall, ROC AUC, and MCC.
In this work, all the experiments are accomplished using a computer system having the following features: Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz, 4 GB of RAM, and 64-bit Windows 10 Pro OS. Also, the Python programming language is used to conduct the experiments with its libraries or packages such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn. For each experiment, the dataset is divided into ten parts of the same size in order to train and test the models efficiently and to make the models more reliable for prediction. The process of dividing the dataset is called cross-validation, which splits the data into 10 equal parts. Moreover, the default hyperparameters are used for each model, such as setting the value of k to 5 in KNN; one hidden layer and a maximum of 5000 iterations are set in NN; and lastly, in LR, 1000 iterations are established.
Results without feature selection
In this section, the results of the implementation of the selected ML models on the reduced WDBC dataset are presented. This is done without using the resampling technique and the selected feature selection methods. The findings of the classification are illustrated in Table 3 and Figure 6 for the selected evaluation metrics used in this study.
As shown in Table 3, the performance of the NN and LR models shows the highest accuracy values of 0.978910 and 0.977153 compared to those of the NB model, which is poor. Also, the two models provide a high balance between true positive and false positive scoring, with high F1 values of 0.978869 and 0.977096, respectively. In terms of precision and recall, NN, LR, and SVM achieve the highest discrimination of the class labels. Moreover, the highest ROC AUC value is also for NN, with a score of 0.975530 compared to the DT’s, which is the lowest value of 0.907424. The obtained results reveal that NN and LR are the best models in performing classification on the WDBC dataset compared to the other models. Lastly, the MCC values show that NN and LR also outperform the other models, specifically NB and DT, in providing a balanced score, achieving 0.954827 and 0.951067, respectively, while NB and DT have the lowest values of MCC.
Table 3: Evaluation Metrics Comparison for Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer Without Feature Selection
Model |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
DT |
0.913884 |
0.913842 |
0.913807 |
0.913884 |
0.907424 |
0.815636 |
0.964851 |
0.964707 |
0.964976 |
0.964851 |
0.958578 |
0.924663 |
LR |
0.977153 |
0.977096 |
0.977202 |
0.977153 |
0.973171 |
0.951067 |
NB |
0.933216 |
0.933015 |
0.933036 |
0.933216 |
0.925704 |
0.856551 |
NN |
0.978910 |
0.978869 |
0.978931 |
0.978910 |
0.975530 |
0.954827 |
RF |
0.968366 |
0.968303 |
0.968343 |
0.968366 |
0.964253 |
0.932183 |
0.973638 |
0.973599 |
0.973618 |
0.973638 |
0.970370 |
0.943512 |
Figure 6: Model Performance across Different Metrics without Feature Selection Methods.
Results with Feature Selection
F-test: This section presents the results of combining F-test feature selection methodology with machine learning techniques. The dataset is resampled and scaled, and the features are selected. The classification results show accuracy, precision, recall, MCC, and ROC-AUC assessment metrics, as presented in Table 4 and Figure 7.
Table 4 shows a detailed analysis of how well different models classify data based on the metrics produced from the F-test feature selection procedure. Among the models tested, LR and NN have the maximum accuracy, scoring 0.985994 and 0.981793, with the F-test technique selecting only 20 and 23 features, respectively. The obtained high performance of these two models reveals that both models are reliable for accurate prediction of the classes and also that the number of selected attributes is enough to obtain such good performance, which means it is not necessary to use all the features of the dataset. On the other hand, the F test method selected 18, 20, and 20 features for the KNN, RF, and SVM models of 0.976190, 0.976190, and 0.977591, respectively. This also indicates that the selected features are good enough to obtain such good performance; however, these performances are still lower in accuracy compared to those in NN and LR. In terms of precision and recall, both LR and NN outperform the other models in detecting the true positives and reducing the false negatives, with LR’s recall of 0.988796 and precision of 0.983287, providing a balance to distinguish between positive and negative records.
The NB model, on the other hand, underperforms the other models by obtaining the lowest accuracy of 0.946779 and F1 score of 0.947514. This indicates that NB is not suitable enough for predicting cancer in the WDBC dataset.
Moreover, LR and NN provide a strong F1 score, which balances between false positives and false negatives, with LR receiving the best score of 0.986034 and NN, with 0.981818. Furthermore, LR, NN, and three other models KNN, RF, and SVM produce a good score in terms of ROC AUC values. The metrics values are over 90%, indicating that the models are capable of distinguishing between classes. The final metric, MCC, is considered as a reliable metric for the prediction process and for considering all categories of the confusion matrix since it provides the highest values for LR with 0.972004 and NN with 0.963589.
Table 4: Evaluation Metrics Comparison for Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer with F-test Feature Selection Method.
Model |
No. of Selected Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
DT |
16 |
0.959384 |
0.958982 |
0.968571 |
0.949580 |
0.959384 |
0.918944 |
18 |
0.976190 |
0.976224 |
0.974860 |
0.977591 |
0.976190 |
0.952385 |
LR |
20 |
0.985994 |
0.986034 |
0.983287 |
0.988796 |
0.985994 |
0.972004 |
NB |
3 |
0.946779 |
0.947514 |
0.934605 |
0.960784 |
0.946779 |
0.893908 |
NN |
23 |
0.981793 |
0.981818 |
0.980447 |
0.983193 |
0.981793 |
0.963589 |
RF |
20 |
0.976190 |
0.976157 |
0.977528 |
0.974790 |
0.976190 |
0.952385 |
20 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.955182 |
Figure 7: Model Performance Across Different Metrics with F-test Feature Selection Method
Mutual Information (MI): The second feature selection method used in this study is MI, which is combined in this section with the ML techniques to show its impact on the performance of the models. The prediction process includes resampling the dataset, scaling, and then using the MI for selecting features. The classification results are then evaluated using the evaluation metrics selected for this study, as shown in Table 5 and Figure 8.
In the context of classification tasks, each metric in Table 5 provides a different perspective on the model's ability to make accurate predictions. The best-performing model is LR, which achieves the highest scores across practically all metrics using all the dataset's attributes, as selected using the MI approach. With an accuracy of 0.983193 and an F1 score of 0.983287, LR demonstrates outstanding ability to balance precision with recall, which is critical for effective classification. LR’s precision of 0.977839 and recall of 0.988796 shows that it not only generates accurate positive predictions but also correctly recognizes a large number of true positive events. The ROC_AUC score of 0.983193 highlights its ability to discriminate across classes, while the MCC of 0.966447 indicates a significant connection between predicted and actual results. KNN is a reliable model, with an accuracy of 0.964986; however, it falls short of LR in terms of overall effectiveness. The NN model achieves an impressive accuracy of 0.978992, demonstrating its ability to sustain high precision (0.975000) and recall (0.983193). The SVM and RF models perform well, with SVM reaching an accuracy of 0.976190 and RF scoring 0.970588. Despite their competitiveness, these models do not outperform the other ones in any specific category, implying that they may be more appropriate for certain contexts rather than being the top choices overall. Furthermore, the investigated models indicate that the DT model has the lowest performance, with an accuracy of 0.959384. On the other hand, the NB model dramatically underperforms, with the lowest scores across most metrics and an accuracy of 0.929972. This suggests that NB may not be appropriate for this dataset.
Table 5: Evaluation Metrics Comparison for Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer with MI Feature Selection Method
Model |
No of Selected Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
DT |
23 |
0.959384 |
0.959327 |
0.960674 |
0.957983 |
0.959384 |
0.918771 |
23 |
0.964986 |
0.965132 |
0.961111 |
0.969188 |
0.964986 |
0.930005 |
LR |
23 |
0.983193 |
0.983287 |
0.977839 |
0.988796 |
0.983193 |
0.966447 |
NB |
23 |
0.929972 |
0.931694 |
0.909333 |
0.955182 |
0.929972 |
0.861039 |
NN |
23 |
0.978992 |
0.979079 |
0.975000 |
0.983193 |
0.978992 |
0.958017 |
RF |
23 |
0.970588 |
0.970547 |
0.971910 |
0.969188 |
0.970588 |
0.941180 |
23 |
0.976190 |
0.976290 |
0.972222 |
0.980392 |
0.976190 |
0.952415 |
Figure 8: Model Performance Across Different Metrics with MI Feature Selection Method
Spearman Correlation Coefficient: This section presents the results of combining Spearman Correlation Coefficient feature selection methodology with machine learning techniques. The dataset is resampled, scaled, and the features selected. The classification results show accuracy, precision, recall, MCC, and ROC-AUC assessment metrics, as shown in Table 6 and Figure 9. In Table 6, the results of the assessment metrics used to evaluate the models’ performance in this study are presented. This is to show the impact of combining the Spearman method with the ML models. In the table, the LR model outperforms the other models, obtaining the highest accuracy and F1 score using 23 features. The accuracy is 0.984594, and the F1 score is 0.984658. In terms of other metrics such as precision and recall, as well as the MCC, LR show competitive values with a precision of 0.980556, a recall of 0.988796, and an MCC of 0.969222. These findings indicate that the capability of LR to correctly classify the positive cases and almost all of them are correct. They also provide a strong association between the predicted and real outcomes. Also, LR demonstrates the high capability of differentiation between the target classes by providing a ROC AUC value of 0.984594.
On the other hand, the table shows the results of both NN and KNN, which are considered to be close to each other in terms of accuracy and F1 score. NN has the highest values of accuracy of 0.981793 and F1 score of 0.981818 compared to KNN, which has the accuracy value of 0.970588 and F1 score of 0.970711. This indicates that KNN provides a good balance between precision and recall according to the value of the F1 score as well as the capability of NN to provide a stronger balance between precision of 0.980447 and recall of 0.983193. Despite the good results of both NN and KNN, they still fall below the performance of LR. Regarding the RF and SVM models, their assessment metrics results show that they are accurately measured in terms of accuracy and F1 score. Furthermore, the results of the DT model highlight that its performance is the lowest compared to the other models, with an accuracy of 0.950980 and an F1 score of 0.950495, indicating that DT is not suitable for undertaking the process of modelling incorporating the Spearman feature selection method. However, the performance of the NB model is the worst compared to DT and other models, achieving an accuracy of 0.938375 and lower precision and recall values, leading to the least favorable overall metrics.
Table 6: The Comparison of Evaluation Metrics for WDBC dataset using Spearman Feature Selection Method
Model |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
DT |
21 |
0.950980 |
0.950495 |
0.960000 |
0.941176 |
0.950980 |
0.902134 |
23 |
0.970588 |
0.970711 |
0.966667 |
0.974790 |
0.970588 |
0.941210 |
LR |
23 |
0.984594 |
0.984658 |
0.980556 |
0.988796 |
0.984594 |
0.969222 |
NB |
23 |
0.938375 |
0.939560 |
0.921833 |
0.957983 |
0.938375 |
0.877426 |
NN |
21 |
0.981793 |
0.981818 |
0.980447 |
0.983193 |
0.981793 |
0.963589 |
RF |
20 |
0.978992 |
0.979021 |
0.977654 |
0.980392 |
0.978992 |
0.957987 |
23 |
0.978992 |
0.979021 |
0.977654 |
0.980392 |
0.978992 |
0.957987 |
Figure 9: Model Performance Across Different Metrics with Spearman Feature Selection Method
In this section, Tables 7-13 illustrate the results of comparing the performance of the ML models - DT, KNN, LR, NB, NN, RF, and SVM that are analyzed and selected for this study. The analysis and comparison are done using the feature selection techniques: F-test, MI, and Spearman, and are evaluated using the performance metrics: accuracy, F1 score, precision, recall, ROC_AUC, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC).
FS method/ DT |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
16 |
0.959384 |
0.958982 |
0.968571 |
0.949580 |
0.959384 |
0.918944 |
MI |
23 |
0.959384 |
0.959327 |
0.960674 |
0.957983 |
0.959384 |
0.918771 |
Spearman |
21 |
0.950980 |
0.950495 |
0.960000 |
0.941176 |
0.950980 |
0.902134 |
FS method/ KNN |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
18 |
0.976190 |
0.976224 |
0.974860 |
0.977591 |
0.976190 |
0.952385 |
MI |
23 |
0.964986 |
0.965132 |
0.961111 |
0.969188 |
0.964986 |
0.930005 |
Spearman |
23 |
0.970588 |
0.970711 |
0.966667 |
0.974790 |
0.970588 |
0.941210 |
Table 7: The Performance of Decision Tree Classifier Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
Table 8: The Performance of KNN Classifier Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
Table 9: The LR Classifier Performance Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
FS method/ LR |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
20 |
0.985994 |
0.986034 |
0.983287 |
0.988796 |
0.985994 |
0.972004 |
MI |
23 |
0.983193 |
0.983287 |
0.977839 |
0.988796 |
0.983193 |
0.966447 |
Spearman |
23 |
0.984594 |
0.984658 |
0.980556 |
0.988796 |
0.984594 |
0.969222 |
Table 10: The NB Classifier Performance Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
FS method/ NB |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
3 |
0.946779 |
0.947514 |
0.934605 |
0.960784 |
0.946779 |
0.893908 |
MI |
23 |
0.929972 |
0.931694 |
0.909333 |
0.955182 |
0.929972 |
0.861039 |
Spearman |
23 |
0.938375 |
0.939560 |
0.921833 |
0.957983 |
0.938375 |
0.877426 |
Table 11: The Performance of NN Classifier Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
FS method/ NN |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
23 |
0.981793 |
0.981818 |
0.980447 |
0.983193 |
0.981793 |
0.963589 |
MI |
23 |
0.978992 |
0.979079 |
0.975000 |
0.983193 |
0.978992 |
0.958017 |
Spearman |
21 |
0.981793 |
0.981818 |
0.980447 |
0.983193 |
0.981793 |
0.963589 |
Table 12: The Performance of RF Classifier Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
FS method/ RF |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
20 |
0.976190 |
0.976157 |
0.977528 |
0.974790 |
0.976190 |
0.952385 |
MI |
23 |
0.970588 |
0.970547 |
0.971910 |
0.969188 |
0.970588 |
0.941180 |
Spearman |
20 |
0.978992 |
0.979021 |
0.977654 |
0.980392 |
0.978992 |
0.957987 |
Table 13: The SVM Classifier Performance Using F-test, MI, and Spearman Feature Selection Methods
FS method/ SVM |
No of Features |
Accuracy |
F1 Score |
Precision |
Recall |
F-test |
20 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.977591 |
0.955182 |
MI |
23 |
0.976190 |
0.976290 |
0.972222 |
0.980392 |
0.976190 |
0.952415 |
Spearman |
23 |
0.978992 |
0.979021 |
0.977654 |
0.980392 |
0.978992 |
0.957987 |
By utilizing the F-test, the method in Table 9 achieves an impressive accuracy of 0.985994 and an F1 score of 0.986034, proving its robustness. In addition, it has comparable metrics to MI and Spearman. LR exhibits a balanced performance in classification tasks, as evidenced by its consistently high precision and recall. Likewise, the NN exhibits impressive results, especially when utilizing F-test (achieving an accuracy of 0.981793) as depicted in Table 11. It consistently achieves high precision and recall scores in both MI (accuracy of 0.978992) and Spearman (accuracy of 0.981793), validating its capability to handle complex patterns.
Table 8 demonstrates that KNN produces impressive results, particularly when compared to F-test (with an accuracy of 0.976190). However, it exhibits more variability when used with MI and Spearman (yielding accuracies of 0.964986 and 0.970588, respectively). While KNN demonstrates good performance, it does not outperform the top two models (LR and NN). RF algorithm consistently demonstrates strong performance, especially when paired with F-test (achieving an accuracy of 0.976190). Despite showing strong metrics, it still falls behind LR and NN, but performs similarly to KNN with F-test. In Table 13, SVM demonstrates good performance in both F-test and Spearman, with an accuracy of approximately 0.977591 and 0.978992, respectively. However, the accuracy achieved by MI is slightly lower – 0.976190. Additionally, SVM's robust recall scores validate its effectiveness in accurately detecting positive instances. On the other hand, when comparing the models, the DT is found to be the least effective performer, as indicated in Table 7. It achieves an accuracy of 0.959384 using F-test. Despite achieving high accuracy scores of 0.959384 in MI and 0.950980 in Spearman, the performance of the model does not match that of the other models. NB performs weakest among all models, consistently scoring below 0.943 in accuracy across all feature selection methods. The performance metrics as presented in Table 10 reveal a significant drop in precision and F1 scores, indicating that NB is less suited for this classification task compared to other models.
Based on the feature selection techniques used, the overall analysis of Tables 7–13 identifies NN and LR as the best models. SVM, RF, and KNN are reliable alternatives; however, they fall short of LR and NN in terms of performance. On the other hand, it is evident that DT and NB have limits when it comes to accurately capturing the underlying data complexity, which further confirms their lower suitability for this particular problem domain.
In this study, a comparison was conducted to show the effect of various feature selection methods, F-test, MI, and Spearman correlation coefficients, to the performance of seven different machine learning techniques: KNN, NB, DT, SVM, LR, NN, and RF. The study evaluated the results using different evaluation metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, precision, recall, ROC AUC, and MCC with the breast cancer dataset WDBC. It is concluded that the high performance of the models can be obtained by not using all the features of the dataset for prediction and improving modelling. Thus, feature selection methods were employed to select the features that really influence the model’s performance and can predict whether a patient has cancer or not. Tables 7-13 presented the number of the selected features using the feature selection methods that yielded the best performance according to the evaluation metrics used.
The results indicate that LR and NN are the best models. SVM, RF, and KNN are reliable alternatives; however, they do not match the performance of LR and NN. On the other hand, it appears that DT and NB are not as effective in this particular problem domain as they could be when it comes to accurately capturing data complexity.
Future research needs to explore more feature selection methods, deep learning models, hyperparameter optimization, and diverse data types to improve breast cancer prediction and enhance machine learning model effectiveness in healthcare. Furthermore, the future work also needs to propose new hybrid algorithms from the ML models based on the results obtained in this paper. This can be accomplished by integrating different ML models to enhance the prediction of breast cancer in the healthcare sector and then use different feature selection methods to select the optimal features from the breast cancer datasets.
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