On Generalized Regular Local Ring


  • Zubayda M. Ibraheem University of Mosul
  • Naeema A. Shereef University of Mosul


local, π-regular, exchange rings


A ring R is called a generalized Von Neumann regular local ring (GVNL-ring) if for any a∈R, either a or (1-a) is π-regular element. In this paper, we give some characterization and properties of generalized regular local rings. And we studied the relation between generalized regular local rings, Von Neumann regular rings, Von Neumann regular local rings (VNL-rings) and exchange rings.

Author Biographies

Zubayda M. Ibraheem, University of Mosul

Dept. Of Mathematics ,College of Computer and   mathematical  Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq.

Naeema A. Shereef, University of Mosul

Dept. Of Mathematics ,College of Computer and   mathematical  Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq


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How to Cite

Ibraheem, Z. M., & Shereef, N. A. (2015). On Generalized Regular Local Ring. Science Journal of University of Zakho, 3(1), 145–152. Retrieved from https://sjuoz.uoz.edu.krd/index.php/sjuoz/article/view/120



Science Journal of University of Zakho