Pathogenic Variability in Isolates of Fusarium Oxysporum F. SP. Ciceris


  • Ali Kareem Al-Taae University of Mosul
  • Saleh Ahmed Eesa Al-Jobory University of Mosul


chickpea wilt, Cicer arietinum, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris, pathogenic variability


Twenty isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris were isolated from wilted chickpea plants obtained from different districts of north part of Iraq to assess variability in pathogenecity of the populations. Each isolate was tested on 12 differential chickpea varieties  . Isolates showed highly significant variation in wilt severity on the differential varieties . Based on the reaction types that  induced on differential varieties, isolates were grouped into four  groups, First group included isolates FocS1 , FocQ7 , FocQ10 , FocF13 , FocH17 and FocH18 The Second group included isolates FocS2 , FocS3 , FocS4 , FocQ5 , FocQ8 , FocQ9 , FocF11 , FocF12 , FocF14 and FocH19 The Third group included isolates FocF15 , FocH16 , FocH20 .Where the isolate FocQ6 was placed in the Fourth group .Results showed that the percentage of genetic similarity was ranged  42% to 100% and was 42% between the first group and other groups and 72% between the three groups the rest and thus this indicate the presence of four races of the fungus which are zero, 4, 5, and 1B / C  this represent the first record of  these races  in Iraq.

Author Biographies

Ali Kareem Al-Taae, University of Mosul

Dept. of Plant Protection, College of Agric. &Forestry ,Mosul University, Iraq.

Saleh Ahmed Eesa Al-Jobory, University of Mosul

Dept. of Plant Protection, College of Agric. &Forestry ,Mosul University, Iraq.


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How to Cite

Al-Taae, A. K., & Al-Jobory, S. A. E. (2013). Pathogenic Variability in Isolates of Fusarium Oxysporum F. SP. Ciceris. Science Journal of University of Zakho, 1(1), 108–114. Retrieved from



Science Journal of University of Zakho