KurdFace Morph Dataset Creation Using OpenCV
Face Recognition System, Biometric System, Morphing Attacks, OpenCV, LBP, Dataset creationAbstract
Automated facial recognition is rapidly being used to reliably identify the identities of individuals for a variety of applications, from automated border control to unlocking mobile phones. The attack of Morphing has presented a significant risk to the face recognition system (FRS) at automated border control. Face morphing is a technique for blending the facial images of two or more people such that the outcome looks like both of them. For example, a morphing attack may be used to get a fake passport by using a morphed image. This passport can be used by both the modified image contributors while crossing the border. Due to the publicly available digital altering tools that criminals may use to carry out face morphing attacks. Morph Attack Detection (MAD) systems have received a lot of attention in recent years. In the absence of automated morphing detection, Face Recognition Systems (FRS) are extremely susceptible to morphing attacks. Due to the limited number of publicly available face morph datasets to investigate, especially to our knowledge, there is no Kurdish morph dataset. In this work, we decided to generate a new face dataset, including morphed images which we named as "KurdFace" dataset. OpenCV was used to generate morphed images. Then we study the susceptibility of biometric systems to such morphed face attacks by designing and creating a Morph Attack Detection model to distinguish morphed images from genuine ones. To evaluate the robustness of our dataset regarding morphing attack detection, we compare it with the AMSL dataset to determine the classification error rate on both datasets to see how our dataset is different from others. Local Binary Pattern and Uniform Local Binary Pattern are used as feature extraction techniques, and as a classifier, SVM is utilized. The experimental result shows that our dataset is suitable for research purposes.
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