Prevalence of Cryptosporidiosis and It’s Associated Risk Factors Among Human Population in Zakho District, Duhok Province, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
prevalence, humans, Cryptosporidium, risk factors, Zakho, IraqAbstract
Cryptosporidiosis caused by species belonging to genus Cryptosporidium. Cryptosporidiosis is a zoonotic disease that affects both animals and humans, making it a major public health and veterinary concern. A cross sectional study was performed during the period from August 2021 to March2022, to estimate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in the human population in order to determine the effect of associated risk factors on the rate of infection in Zakho district, Duhok. Seven hundred Fecal specimens were collected from Zakho General Hospital and two primary schools located in suburban area of Zakho city. The collected stool specimens were examined macroscopically and microscopically using a modified Ziehl–Neelsen staining method. Cryptosporidium infection was found in 87.57% (613/700) of the examined specimens. Males showed slightly higher infection rate than females (88.4% vs. 85.5%) with non-significant difference (P > 0.05). Ages group (31-41 years) showed highest rates, with significant difference (P<0.05). The highest rates of infection were reported among families with 6-10 members, people drinking unfiltered municipal tap water, suburban residents, those with close contacts with domestic animal, and illiterate people. The control of this disease necessitates the improvement of living conditions, providing potable clean water and disseminating health education programs among the community.
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