Detection of Cpegene in Stool Samples of Food Poisoning Patients in Mosul/Iraq


  • ALAA H. AL-MOLA University of Mosul
  • AMERA M. AL-RAWI University of Mosul


Clostridium perfringens, Food poisoning, Nested PCR, Cpe gene


In this study, 27 stool samples  collected from food poisoning patients in Mosul city were analyzed by both  bacteriological standard methods and  molecular methods. The bacteriological methods  used for enumeration of C. perfringens while the  nested PCR technique was used for detection cpe gene directly in stool samples in a method consists of a combination of nested PCR reaction with enrichment of the sample. Two pairs of oligonucleotide primers were used: the first primer pair amplifies a 425-bp fragment and the second pair amplifiesa199-bp within the 425-bp.  Results showed that the number of C. perfringens were less than 103cell/g gave a 199-bp amplified fragment which indicated that those samples contain cpe gene. When we compared nested PCR result with the number of Cperfringens,7 out of 9 samples(77. 8%) which have greater than 103of Cperfringens per g were  positive for cpe gene and 8 out of 18 samples(44. 4%) which have less than 103 of Cperfringens per g also gave cpe gene positive result.

Author Biographies

ALAA H. AL-MOLA, University of Mosul

Dept. of Biology, College of Science, University of Mosul-Iraq

AMERA M. AL-RAWI, University of Mosul

Dept. of Biology, College of Science, University of Mosul-Iraq


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How to Cite

AL-MOLA, A. H., & AL-RAWI, A. M. (2013). Detection of Cpegene in Stool Samples of Food Poisoning Patients in Mosul/Iraq. Science Journal of University of Zakho, 1(2), 414–419. Retrieved from



Science Journal of University of Zakho